Saturday, September 3, 2011


A tip for adding images to your blog:

Click on the add image icon. That icon will look like a photograph. An upload images window will appear.  Then you will click the browse button in the Add an image from your computer. Locate the image, select it, then click Open .  Choose your layout and image size from the options. Then click the upload button, click done, and the window closes and your image is inserted  into your blog post.

Adding a link to your micro blog post:

First you will need to highlight the text that you want to make clickable by clicking and dragging. Click on the link icon which is a small globe with a link of chain on it and a pop-up window will appear. You will then enter the URL of the website that want to link to and then click ok. After clicking ok the linked text will appear in blue text. It is not clickable until it is published.

Podcast Script

Social networking is an intregal part of your job search or career building. Social media participation has become an essential tool in networking with professional contacts, making new contacts, and keeping in touch with the world. There are many options for using social media to advance your careers or reputation. Some of the most popular are Twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, and Linkeden. There are a few rules to follow  when using social media for your careers. You need to project a professional image at all times because you never know who is watching. Use wisdom and share positive comments and when sing photographs make sure they are discreet.

You can use social media to build relationships and trust and let a future employer get an idea of who you are by how you present yourself. When using Facebook as your personal page you can add an extra page by clicking on create a page and follow the prompts. This page is separate from your profile and you can use it to post articles and links related to your profession.  Twitter is one of the most effective social networking tools for promoting yourself. It is best to keep tweets related to your career and you can set it up so your Facebook page updates posts to Twitter directly. Start following people and when they follow you follow them back. Start commenting if you have a blog and visit other blogs and comment to gain a presence. My Twitter account is RebeccaKelley54. My blog account is and my Facebook account is Becca Kelley.